About Homeopathy

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) a German physician, disenchanted with the medical practices of his day, discovered a system of treatment he baptized “homeopathy”. He discovered that if a substance is capable of producing symptoms in a healthy person, it is also capable of curing those same symptoms in someone who is sick. In short, this is commonly known as the Law of Similars or the “Like cures like” principle. In time, he discovered that if a substance is carefully diluted and the minimum dose given, it worked even better. 

How does it work?

The process of choosing the correct homeopathic remedy (the simillimum) involves paying close attention to all symptoms, no matter how insignificant these may seem. Each person needs a different remedy perfectly chosen for their condition. The correct remedy promotes genuine healing by stimulating what homeopaths call “the vital force”. This is not the mere suppression of symptoms but rather the lifting of the whole condition which brought on their ill health. Homeopathic remedies can be given in pills, liquid form or powder, depending on the individual.

Where can homeopathy be supportive?

In first aid such as sprains, bruises, trauma as well as acute and chronic conditions.
Examples of conditions commonly supported by homeopathy include:

  • Acute conditions such as colds, coughs, bronchitis, sore throats, earaches, teething problems, food poisoning
  • Mental and emotional health including grief, low self- esteem, panic attacks, fears, phobias, anxieties, depression, stress, lack of confidence, aggression.
  • Chronic conditions such as allergies, asthma,  migraines, headaches, I.B.S, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia ,M.E.,  rheumatoid and osteoarthritis,  chronic pain, joint disorders, insomnia, frequent urination, eczema, psoriasis.
  • Women’s health such as premenstrual symptoms, menstrual disorders, hormonal imbalance, infertility, complaints during pregnancy, childbirth, libido issues, menopause.
  • Children’s behavioural and learning disorders.

This list is by no means exhaustive.
The homeopathic approach, which relies on understanding the uniqueness of the individual to support good health may be used by a wide range of people.

What do I need to do?

For the first appointment allow at least one hour and a half. The homeopath will take notes during the consultation which will remain confidential. It is important that you are as open as possible as it will help the homeopath. 

Because Homeopathy works on a different level from orthodox medicine, you do not need to discontinue using your usual medicines. 

Results varies for each individual and disease; chronic diseases usually taking longer than acute.